Lost Cats



General info

  • Some cats will hide deep under porches, sheds or anywhere he can find and remain totally silent so he is difficult to find. This 'Silent Factor' is more dangerous to lost cats than predators.
  • Confident or curious cats are much more likely to wander further away from your house than an insecure or shy cat.
  • Always check your animal shelters and rescuers (see our network) to see if they have your pet.   Check back frequently, especially at the large shelters, where they receive many cats.  
  • Report your cat missing on our local lost/found pet directory http://lostfoundpets.com
  • Create giant posters – see http://www.missingpetpartnership.org/recovery-posters.php for excellent information on the most effective posters
  • Pass our flyers to neighbors and ask for their help.
  • Unless you have actually seen your cat escape, thoroughly check everywhere inside your house – under furniture, in the chimney, trapped in the basement ceiling – everywhere.
  • Visit www.missingpetpartnership.org for lots of very helpful, expert information on finding your lost cat


Displaced Cats

These are indoor only cats or any cat that has become lost from somewhere other than their home.

  • Don’t give up hope.   Your cat may not be found for several weeks or months. 
  • These cats are scared and will often run and hide in the nearest hiding spot they can find. They are often silent.   
  • Often they will first run along a building so start by going along your house until you get to the first place that a cat will be able to hide.   For example, a porch, deck, shed, basement window well, shrubbery, etc.  Take a flashlight and look very good as the cat may be hard to find.     
  • Take a high-powered flashlight at night to look for eye reflections.  
  • MOST times the cat will be in a 5-7 house radius of yours.   Ask to look under their porches, decks, sheds, bushes, etc.  
  • Most displaced cats must be caught in a humane trap. They can be purchased for $40 at Home Depot and Lowes.   See our network for places you might be able to borrow a trap.  Often a cat will not go into a trap for up to 2 weeks.    
  • Go to www.missingpetpartnership.org for lots of information on the behavior of displaced cats and how to find them.


Cats that have been Injured

Look on your road – are there any signs of blood or hair?   If so, your cat may have been hit by a car and is trying to make it home.  Follow the route from that spot toward your house.   It is likely that the cat is hiding as a measure of protecting itself; he will keep silent and hide as best as he can.    A great many dead cats are found crawled deep under porches, sheds, etc.   If they had received prompt care, many of these cats would have survived.  Take a flashlight and look carefully.   If your cat is an outdoor cat and has an area that he uses frequently as his toilet, check that area. 


Outdoor cats

  • These cats may have been chased off by a dog or wild animal.    They may be several streets away and not know how to get back.   
  • Put up large colorful posters (see http://www.missingpetpartnership.org/recovery-posters.php for a sample)
  • Hand out flyers
  • Don’t give up – you may find your cat several weeks after he has become lost.